Hydration tablets (Science in Sport, Electrolytes)

Your sweat contains electrolytes. If you drink a bunch of water and don't replace those electrolytes you could experience an electrolyte imbalance. In our own experiences, electrolyte imbalances can make us feel dumb, fatigued, crampy, headachey and that's not to mention the physical performance left on the table.
The Science in Sport hydration tablets are the best bet in the NZ market for a good,and reasonably priced electrolyte product. They've got the right macronutrients and, at the time of writing (06-12-23), cost $16 for 20 tablets compared to $15 for 10 tablets of nuun and $16 for 12 tablets of GU.
Why get tablets instead of a powder? Both work of course but we love being able to take a pack of tablets in our pocket and drop them into our bottles easily. We've been that friend who stops to get out a bag of powder, a scoop and ends up making a mess everywhere... We never want to be that friend again.
This product was demanded by Jono because he's a sweaty fella who seems to live on elecrolytes.