
Why do you choose to shop with us?
Is it our website? 
Is it our service? 
Is it our range? 
Is it our pricing? 
Is it our product descriptions that we wrote after a couple of beers?  

No matter the reason, if you really like what we are doing then you may consider helping us out with a tip. Tipping is not an obligation of course. It is simply a way of saying an additional thanks, for whatever reason you want to. 

We know that tipping is not common in New Zealand. After a few enthusiastic customers repeatedly requested a way to help us out, we decided on voluntary tips. Tipping is a way to provide a real financial bonus for the person/company receiving them. 

Every dollar tipped is a dollar which we can use to source products, improve our website or just provide more for our customers. Other times that dollar may contribute to a beer, or bike part, for us too...

Outspoken Cycles employee caught red handed
Caught red handed...